NYCOER Announces Compliance Initiative For E-Designation Sites
Do you own or manage a property with a New York City E-Designation for which the remediation program includes engineering controls, such as an active Sub-Slab Depressurization System? If so, there is likely a Site Management Plan that was put in place for the property, with the requirement that the engineering controls be periodically inspected and certified by a New York State-licensed Professional Engineer, typically on an annual basis. A report documenting the inspection and certifying that the engineering controls are operating properly and continue to be protective of human health and the environment, must be submitted to the New York City Office of Environmental Remediation (NYCOER) by July 31st of each year.
At a New York City Brownfield Partnership Redevelopment Roundtable earlier this month, NYCOER announced that many of the required inspections for 2019 had not been completed on time, and that they are looking to increase enforcement. Potential penalties for non-compliance include revocation of the Notice of Completion/Notice of Satisfaction that was issued by NYCOER. Athenica can assist you to stay in compliance, by conducting the required inspection and submitting the required certification report on your behalf, even if we did not design or install the engineering control systems.
Please contact Kenneth Wenz, Senior Project Manager in our Hazmat division, for more information.

Project Focus: NYCHA Lead-Based Paint Inspections
Athenica is proud to announce that we have been awarded a $2 million contract for NYCHA. This contract focuses on QA/QC of third party inspections for lead based paint inspections and XRF testing services. This is part of the initiative of LeadFreeNYC, the City’s roadmap in eradicating lead exposure in children.

Athenica Team
After a very busy summer, the Athenica team finally had a moment to get together for an after summer happy hour to reflect and unwind.