Regulatory Updates, Brownfields, Emerging Contaminants, and Remedial Technologies
On November 21, the HazMat division of Athenica attended the Long Island Association of Professional Geologists’ (LIAPG) workshop. This event included presentations by representatives from public agencies and private industry, and provided updates about expected revisions to New York State’s environmental regulations, information on current programs and initiatives regarding emerging contaminants, and technical discussions on laboratory protocols and remedial technologies. Of particular interest was the planned update to the 6NYCRR Part 375 regulations, which covers investigation and remediation activities under the State Superfund and Brownfield programs. As reported by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, the proposed revisions are expected to be released for public comment in 2020, and are anticipated to include:
– Modifications to Soil Cleanup Objectives for several parameters, with most changes being a factor of 10 or less.
– Revised definitions, to increase consistency across all remedial programs.
– Clarification of responsibilities for investigation and remediation projects, including requirements for project schedules and submittal of daily reports.
– Changes in eligibility requirements for Brownfield programs.
– Additional cleanup tracks for Brownfield sites.
Athenica will track these items and provide updates as further information becomes available, as well as any other topics that could be applicable to your projects. For any questions, please feel free to contact Ken Wenz, Senior Project Manager.

Athenica’s Holiday Giving This Year: Hour Children
Every year, Athenica chooses one special organization and hosts a Holiday Drive in an effort to give back. This year, we have chosen to collaborate with Hour Children, an organization that helps incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women and their children successfully rejoin the community, and build healthy, independent, and secure lives. We will be collecting supplies for children from now through Tuesday, December 17th, 2019. We always welcome new donations so if you are interested to make a donation please contact Jacqueline Espinosa at (718)784-7490.

Happy Thanksgiving From The Athenica Team!
In this time of gratitude we give thanks to you! We greatly value your patronage and your continued loyalty. On behalf of all of us at Athenica, we wish you a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving.
Please note in observance of the coming Holiday, the office will be closed on November 28th and 29th, 2019.