Environmental Compliance

Client: Confidential
Athenica was retained to provide environmental consulting services in connection with the identification and removal of a fuel oil underground storage tank (UST) at a Site in Bronx, New York. The overall objective of our environmental consulting services was to provide field oversight during the tank closure and to assess the impact of the tank on the Site’s subsurface. Upon successfully locating the UST via the use of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), Athenica hired a tank removal company to remove the UST and successfully remediate the Site.
Under the guidance and direct observation of Athenica, the contractor cleaned and removed the tank, removed more than 2000 cubic yards of petroleum impacted soils and prepared the Site for redevelopment. Following this, Athenica submitted a post remediation closure report to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) that allowed the DEC to close the reported spill associated with the site

Client: Confidential
Athenica performed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment at a site formerly occupied by a chemical works facility and adhesive manufacturer at the request of its client as part of typical environmental due diligence prior to acquisition of a property. This property is located within the boundaries of a New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) petroleum spill, the “Greenpoint Petroleum Remediation Project”, a known area of petroleum-impacted groundwater.
To address the petroleum release, groundwater remediation is being conducted under a formal consent agreement between the NYSDEC and ExxonMobil. Athenica provided extensive consulting services to its client including necessary coordination with the NYSDEC for redevelopment of this property.

Client: 60-01 Northern Boulevard, LLC
Athenica was retained to investigate and remediate a petroleum spill at the site, which was formerly occupied by an auto repair shop. Athenica’s team of scientists and engineers prepared and implemented several New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)-approved investigative work plans for the characterization and delineation of the reported petroleum spill and an interim remedial work plan for the recovery of a light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) found at three of the groundwater monitoring wells at the site.
Fingerprint analysis of groundwater samples collected by Athenica indicated that the source of the LNAPL was consistent with hydraulic oil. The interim remedial work plan proposed injection and recovery of an appropriate surfactant to emulsify and mobilize the hydraulic oil from the groundwater at the site as well as bi-weekly well gauging events to determine the thickness of the LNAPL. Athenica successfully performed four injection and recovery events and submitted quarterly reports to the NYSDEC. The thicknesses of LNAPL has decreased significantly in the monitoring wells and Athenica is currently preparing to conduct post-remediation groundwater sampling.