Parks and Recreation

Client: New York City Department of Parks and Recreation
Athenica has been retained by the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation (NYC Parks) to provide comprehensive environmental services at multiple parks, playgrounds, and logistical facilities in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens. Services being provided to NYC Parks include due diligence activities (Phase I Environmental Site Assessment) associated with property acquisition and sampling/inspection programs to assess existing conditions at facilities to be reconstructed or renovated. Depending on the scope of the planned reconstruction/renovation program, the sampling/inspection activities implemented at each location can include geologic and chemical characterization of shallow soil, geotechnical assessment, permeability/infiltration testing, asbestos sampling, lead-based paint assessment, and/or video inspection of sewer and drainage structures and piping (with cleanout of structures and piping as needed to facilitate the video inspections). Our reports provide conclusions and recommendations regarding soil quality and potential remedial actions (as warranted), footings and foundation elements for the planned site redevelopment, and potentially applicable Green Infrastructure components for storm water management.