Phase 1 Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments

A Phase 1 ESA (Environmental Site Assessment) is typically the first step in the environmental due diligence process, providing a “paper review” of the property’s environmental history to identify potential impacts from current or former uses of the property and/or nearby parcels.
Such potential concerns, known as “Recognized Environmental Conditions” or “RECs”, are identified by reviewing available historic information sources, conducting a site reconnaissance inspection, and interviewing available historical documentation.
Athenica’s Phase 1 ESA are prepared in conformance with the latest version of ASTM Standard Practice E1527 (Standard Practice for Environmental Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process), to meet the USEPA requirements for all appropriate inquiries in support of innocent landowner liability protection.
Professional Integrity and Excellence in Client Representation
We approach our projects with a consistent commitment to quality and reliability. We have the ability to assess, inspect, test, monitor, negotiate, evaluate, document, manage, investigate, report and more. Our final work product reflects a thoughtful and relentless peer review process to ensure accuracy and precision.