Industrial Hygiene Services

Asbestos Consulting
Athenica has a staff of EPA trained and state licensed asbestos professionals that provide clients with a full range of asbestos consulting services. Each year, Athenica successfully completes hundreds of asbestos related projects throughout the New York metropolitan area. Our asbestos consulting services include:
- Comprehensive asbestos surveys and bulk sampling to support building renovation and/or demolition projects
- Asbestos abatement design and preparation of specifications establishing the scope and procedures for the abatement of asbestos in accordance with applicable local, state and federal regulations
- Asbestos abatement oversight, including third party air monitoring and project management
- Completion of New York City Asbestos Control Program Forms
- Development and Implementation of Operation and Management (O&M) plans
- Cost estimation for asbestos abatement
- Contractor bid support services, such as review of prospective Contractor bid submittals, bid walkthrough visits, and assisting the client in the final selection of a Contractor

Lead Based Paint (LBP)
Athenica has an experienced and certified team of EPA-certified Lead Inspectors and Lead Risk Assessors for the testing of lead based paint (LBP) and evaluating the health hazard posed by LBP. In New York City, we regularly provide LBP services to address violations issued by the New York City Department of Health, under Local Law 1, in response to elevated lead levels in a child. We also maintain our own X-ray fluorescence (XRF) detectors that directly measures the lead content of paint and thereby avoids the delay and cost of collecting and submitting numerous paint chip samples for laboratory analysis. Our LBP consulting services include:
- Initial building inspection to formulate an appropriate LBP sampling plan
- Testing of LBP utilizing a handheld XRF detector, with supplementary paint chip sampling, as required, for laboratory confirmation of XRF testing results
- LBP abatement design specifications to establish the scope and procedures for the abatement of LBP in accordance with applicable regulations
- LBP abatement oversight
- Characterization of building materials with LBP for off-site disposal in order to support building renovation or demolition projects

Mold and Indoor Air Quality
Athenica has experienced industrial hygienists and field technicians for assessing indoor air quality, identifying mold or conditions promoting mold growth, and providing cost-effective solutions to address these problems. Our mold and indoor air consulting services include:
- Initial building inspection to identify conditions that warrant further investigation
- Testing of pertinent indoor air quality parameters utilizing appropriate field instrumentation including relative humidity, temperature, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, total volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and dust.
- Collection of wipe samples and/or indoor air samples for laboratory analysis
- Investigation of tenant spaces in response to occupant complaints
- Inspection and evaluation of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems
- Detailed assessment of building uses to identify potential sources of indoor air contaminants
- Development of a corrective action plan for indoor air quality and/or mold, and oversight of corrective action

Work Place Safety Plan, A-TRU Permit Preparation & Abatement Variance Applications
Athenica’s staff of Professional Engineers and Project Designers can assist clients and abatement contractors with special requirements projects such as those where Work Place Safety Plan, A-TRU Permit Preparation and Abatement Variance applications are required. These projects need to ensure the highest level of protection to construction/abatement workers and other building occupants in case of a fire emergency and require a detailed set of plans to be submitted to the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP) and approval be obtained from the New York City Department of Buildings (NYCDOB). Additional review and approval may also be required by the New York City Fire Department (FDNY). Athenica can assist abatement contractors with the following:
- Consultation and review of scope of work to determine the required solutions
- Preparation of a Work Place Safety Plan for special projects requiring special asbestos permits
- Preparation of Variance Applications on asbestos abatement projects
- Follow-up with the appropriate agencies to verify the status of approval
- Prepare and sign TR-1 forms after performing a review of the pertinent project documents and performance of a final inspection, to obtain NYCDEP project closure and the ACP-21 form