HazMat Services

Phase I Environmental Site Assessments
Athenica has completed numerous Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (Phase I ESAs) throughout the New York City Metropolitan area at residential, commercial, and industrial properties. Our Phase I ESAs are conducted on behalf of various parties involved in the due-diligence process, including prospective buyers, lenders, and sellers of properties.
Our Phase I ESAs meet the requirements of the current American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard and include a site visit, interviews, review of regulatory databases and local records, and evaluation of available historical documentation, to identify any Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) associated with the Site.

Phase II Environmental Site Assessments
Athenica has a team of experienced and qualified geologists, environmental scientists, and engineers who conduct Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (Phase II ESA). Our Phase II ESAs are designed to provide a focused evaluation of subsurface conditions based on the current and historic uses of the property, findings of prior studies, regulatory requirements, and project specific needs of our clients.
Depending on identified areas of concern, current environmental conditions at the site, and a careful consideration of its current and intended use, the scope of services for our Phase II ESAs can include the following: geophysical survey, installation of soil borings, test pits, permanent or temporary groundwater monitoring wells, sub-slab or soil vapor implants, and collection of representative soil, groundwater, and soil vapor samples.

Vapor Intrusion Studies
Athenica provides comprehensive environmental consulting services to evaluate the risk of vapor intrusion. Our services include soil gas, sub-slab vapor, and indoor and outdoor ambient air testing, followed by thorough evaluation of air sampling results in comparison to applicable regulatory guidance values/standards as well as background databases for volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Athenica conducts its vapor intrusion studies in accordance with applicable regulations and/or guidance, such as that of the New York State Department of Health (DOH).
Our services for mitigation of vapor intrusion include design of sub slab depressurization systems and oversight of their installation, oversight and installation of vapor barrier systems under the foundation slab and/or behind the sidewalls, and modification of existing buildings’ heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.

“E” – Designation and Brownfield Cleanup Program
Athenica offers comprehensive environmental consulting services for properties in New York City that have a “E”-Designation for hazardous materials, noise, and air quality. Our services for these properties include preparation of detailed remedial investigation, work plans, implementation of sampling programs, development of remediation programs, oversight and inspection of remedial activities, and required reporting, in accordance with work plans reviewed and approved by the New York City Mayor’s Office of Environmental Remediation (OER).
Athenica can provide these and other services for sites that are either in OER’s “E”- Designation program or on its Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP). In addition, where applicable, Athenica prepares Brownfield Incentive Grant (BIG) applications on behalf of our clients, for reimbursement of selected remediation costs from New York City.

Underground Storage Tank (UST) and
Aboveground Storage Tank (AST) Compliance
Athenica’s comprehensive consulting services for petroleum USTs and ASTs include the following: AST inspections, oversight of tank tightness tests for AST and UST systems, registration of active and inactive UST and AST systems, and closure of inactive UST and AST systems in accordance with applicable local, state and federal regulations.
For closure of USTs, Athenica performs the required soil and/or groundwater testing and, if warranted, directs remediation activities, such as soil excavation, for closure of any reported petroleum spill.

Remedial Design and Oversight
Athenica designs appropriate site-specific remediation systems and oversees the cleanup of properties with contaminated soil, groundwater and soil vapor.
Our remediation services include the following: performing remedial alternative evaluations, designing and overseeing the implementation of active soil and groundwater remediation systems, directing the excavation of contaminated soils for off-site disposal, collecting confirmatory post-excavation soil samples for laboratory analysis, and overseeing emergency spill cleanup of petroleum and/or hazardous material spills.

Construction-Related Support
Athenica provides cost-effective and timely services to support ongoing or planned construction activities. Our construction-related services include the following:
- Evaluation of prospective disposal facilities for acceptance of excavated materials, including construction and demolition (C&D) debris, soils and urban fill
- Waste classification sampling and analysis for characterization of excavated material for on-site reuse and/or off-site disposal
- Screening and segregation of petroleum-impacted materials encountered during general site excavation
- Confirmatory end-point soil sampling and analysis to document the lateral and vertical limits of remediation by excavation
- Manifesting of soils and/or historic fill for off-site disposal
- Preparation of Construction Health & Safety Plans (CHASP) relating to soil and groundwater contamination
- Preparation and implementation of Community Air Monitoring Plans (CAMP) for monitoring for dust/ particulates (PM10) and VOCs during remedial construction activities.