ACP-5 Inspections / Asbestos Investigator

Hazardous Materials

ACP-5 Inspections / Asbestos Investigator

Building owners are responsible for having a DEP-certified asbestos investigator perform an asbestos survey to determine if asbestos-containing material (ACM) will be disturbed during the course of work on their building.

Athenica has Asbestos investigators that can provide an ACP-5, which is the form on which a non-asbestos project is filed with the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). An ACP-5 asbestos inspection is required by the New York City Department of Environmental Protection prior to the start of any renovation or demolition work.

The ACP-5 Inspection by a licensed Asbestos investigator ensures that no asbestos will be disturbed during the construction or renovation process.


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